ENTER-VALUE Веригата на успеха Научете повече

Разработване на нова верига за създаване на стойност, базирана на холистичен механизъм за подкрепа на бизнес предприятията


Приоритетна ос:

Развитие на конкурентоспособността и иновациите в трансграничната зона


Инвестиционни приоритети:

Насърчаване на предприемачеството, главно чрез улесняване на икономическото оползотворяване на нови идеи и насърчаване на създаването на нови бизнес предприятия


Εstablishing a Holistic Enterprise Support Mechanism (HESM)

Εncouraging networking among companies in the tourism sector with retail trade and creative economy

Βuilding new place brands based on local natural and cultural assets

Партньорите по проекта

Traders’ Association of Thessaloniki

Traders’ Association of Thessaloniki was founded in 1916 and is the collective body of representation of Thessaloniki merchants. The purpose of the Association is to promote commerce and to develop proposals for the benefit of the development of commerce and entrepreneurship.

Address: 1 Plateia Morichovou, 54625 Thessaloniki, Greece

Email: empsylth@otenet.gr

Tel: 0030 2310548876

Civil Non Profit Corporation Byzantine Thessaloniki

Civil Non Profit Corporation Byzantine Thessaloniki aims to reinforce the historical identity of Thessaloniki and the development of its extroversion through the exploitation of the city’s historical route. The designation of the Byzantine figure of Thessaloniki as a matter of culture, tradition, history and memory and its exploitation as an essential sustainable touristic development resource.

Address: 1 Plateia Morichovou, 54625 Thessaloniki, Greece

Email: byzantinethessaloniki@hotmail.com

Tel: 0030 2310548876

Association ECO Nevrokop was established on 2009 with main goals to mobilize resources and experience to work independently and jointly with civic associations, NGOs, state institutions and local authorities in the following areas: 1) Promotion of economic and environmental activities, 2) Encouragement and promotion of entrepreneurship and business development in the Gotse Delchev region and beyond, 3) Conducting economic researches in business development, 4) Supporting the development of tourism, 5) Realization of youth activities and initiatives and 5) Increasing access to education.

Address: 50 Drama, Bulgaria

Email: office@aegdr.org

Tel: 0035 9888585865

Association Eco Nevrokop

The Agency for Economic Development High Western Rhodopes was established in 2013. The Organization, has an extended expertise in business support activities. EDAWR aims to promote the development of Devin municipality by addressing the needs and solving problems at local level; to cooperate for broadening the opportunities for direct participation of citizens while setting local development priorities; to initiate and implement specific projects and programmes contributing for municipal economic development; to promote establishment of professional contacts and exchange of experience with operating public funds and creating employment opportunities in the municipality.

Address: 3 Yavor, Devin, Bulgaria

Email: angellikov123@gmail.com

Tel: 0035 9897595959

Agency for Economic Development High Western Rhodopes

Няколко думи за програмата

Полезни връзки: EU Regional Policy

The Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” was approved by the European Commission on 09/09/2015 by Decision C(2015)6283.

Гърция и България, две съседни държави с богато минало, които след 90-те години на миналия век, благодарение на Програмата INTERREG „Гърция-България”, навлязоха в епоха на по-тясно сътрудничество.

Главната идея на INTERREG се ба-зира на факта, че съседните държави заедно могат да решават по-спешно различните проблеми, пред които са изправени, отколкото ако се ограничат вътре в границите си. В Програмата насърчаваме дейности, които сближават нашите народи.



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